Gah. Been down for the past few days with the Mart
Gah. Been down for the past few days with the Martian Death Flu; coughing up lung is not the best way to spend your day. Meanwhile we’re apparently going to be at war in 2 days. Yay team.
So after Bush’s speech I watched Fox news (“We decide, you watch”). Bill O’Reilly almost literally broke into a frothing mass of hoof-in-mouth madness while “interviewing” a hapless French journalist. Watching all this I keep reminding myself that yes, I *am* a conservative, and this unease at our marching into a sovereign country solely because we don’t like them very much is just a passing phase.
Now, if we invaded FRANCE, I’d be all over that. Give out freedom fries to the liberated masses at Normandy!